"Plane Stoked"

Every time I start to shape a new longboard for myself, It’s like a totally stoked feeing that I get. The anticipaton eats at me, as the days get closer to when I can actually start mowing-the-foam. It’s like starting all over with new, fresh ideas just waiting to make “that perfect board”. Many of those ideas Iv’e learned here at Swaylocks. There’s nothing like the feeling one gets when they ride their own design among all of the other surfers on “shelf bought sticks” which they had to shovel out $575 + for!

Every time I start to shape a new longboard for myself, It’s like a > totally stoked feeing that I get. It’s certainly that way for me! I’m still not sure whether it’s a habit or an addiction. Whatever it is, it’s good (although my wife might argue). I still have a couple more boards I’ve agreed to shape for friends before I will have saved up the dough to shape another for myself. It will still be several months before I can get another blank for myself, but I’m already dreaming of sculpting that perfect plank. Ideas are constantly circulating through my brain. This process started just shortly after I rode my first shape… and it never stops. This also gives me a certain excitement when I compile ideas when shaping for others. I can sincerely say that shaping your own boards TOTALLY enriches the whole surfing experience! It’ll change your outlook.

Amen to that brother…I’ve done about 20 boards and each one gets better. My mo is to make a board, ride it a couple on months, then sell it at cost and make another. The only problem is now the boards are working so good I don.t what to sell them! Seeing someone rip on one of your boards is a great feeling too.