Anyone out there have tips on sharpening planer blades. I never thought they would dull so fast on foam, but I’m getting a real fuzzy surface on my blanks…I guess this means the blades are not what they once were. Anyway, I’m using a Makita dual blade planer…just wondering what the best avenue would be, sharpen or buy new ones? Thanks
Anyone out there have tips on sharpening planer blades. I never thought > they would dull so fast on foam, but I’m getting a real fuzzy surface on > my blanks…I guess this means the blades are not what they once were. > Anyway, I’m using a Makita dual blade planer…just wondering what the > best avenue would be, sharpen or buy new ones? Thanks buy new blades. its less hassle then trying to get your old ones honed and then re- setting them into your machine so that they cut clean and true. Murphy is around every corner,… avoid him at all costs