planer problems!!!

i have the same model hitachi that foamez sells but not an on the fly adjustable front head. when i am planing the blank i get each pass to be a different depth than the last. i follow the last cut i made maybe that is my problem? i just cant seem to get an even flat surface. i leave the planer on the same depth the whole time. i can work around this with some sanding but its so much more work. thanks

i have the same model hitachi that foamez sells but not an on the fly > adjustable front head. when i am planing the blank i get each pass to be a > different depth than the last. i follow the last cut i made maybe that is > my problem? i just cant seem to get an even flat surface. i leave the > planer on the same depth the whole time. i can work around this with some > sanding but its so much more work. thanks Some guys wrap a rubber band around the shaft to keep it from turning so easily during flat planing. Or you can get the un-modified hitachi and keep a constand fixed depth.

I have the same problem with the modified Hatichi, and I fix it the same way, lots of sanding.

There may be a problem with your tecnique rather than the planer. aloha

There may be a problem with your tecnique rather than the planer.>>> aloha …I agree with tom…Excuse me for asking,but do you take your cut with an angle?Say 30 degrees or so? If not give it a try. BASICALLY the only other thing it could be is the alignment on the blades(this is less likely to be the problem).GOOD LUCK,Herb.

BASICALLY the only other thing it could be is the alignment on the > blades(this is less likely to be the problem).GOOD LUCK,Herb. stop running the planer bed(in line)in parallel tracks! run the bed at a 45 degrees, or a few less degrees(towards parallel), in the parallel directions front to back,(tail to nose). you can’t muscle it, (in line)! it will dig in(catch a rail) every time. the rest is finesse. or back to the sureform as been so aptly put

thanks guys runnin it at an angle helped quite a bit. i raised the blades a bit also. thanks for all your help!

thanks guys runnin it at an angle helped quite a bit. i raised the blades > a bit also. thanks for all your help! I think this is the hardest thing to master on the planer…I’ve shaped around 30 boards and still havent gotten it wired…Plan on using some of the methods described here on my next board.