Plaskett T Shirts

I just want to thank Afoaf for handling the shirt distribution for those of us who couldn’t be there. Got mine today and really appreciate your hassle. Thanks Tyler. Also thanks to Mike P. for all his work in putting this forum out here for us all.


                                                                                                                        Tim B./tblank

Technically, MarkSSD deserves most of the credit along with Slashzilla.

Slash did the design (second year in a row, thx gus!) and Mark printed them all up himself.

We sold half as many shirts, but since the cost was so low we were able to donate more to Mike for the site.

I sent him a check for 150$ this week along with a shirt.


    Howzit afoaf, Ley me add that the shirts are really nice and the quality is great. I want to pay you through paypal ASAP and is the info you sent me in a PM all I need? Aloha,Kokua


Paypal your $20 directly to Mike here:

Click the Make a Donation button at the bottom.

    Howzit foaf, Souns like a good idea to me, I was going to pay tomorrow and I think it will be easier paying Swaylocks. Aloha,Kokua