Plastic fantastic help with ID

Because I don’t want to re-rout and install another box when all I’m trying to do is get it into some waves. I’m still no closer as to who shaped this board, when it might’ve been shaped and where. But I’m guessing it’s anyone’s guess at this point. Good thing is at least I’m not over here trying figure out how much I can flip it for like all the other vintage junkies. Just wait till I post the G&S sting that’s going to be following this one. Even has the original skig! This will be my personal rider and I plan to build it to my own accord! 

Lambo yellow it is and I’ll let my wife hippie it with some posca pens later on. As for now I’ll let it cure a bit then give it a go next weekend if we get waves. 

So what I’ve learned is the two fins were after production and it was indeed a single fin which it is now again. So the guy I originally messaged was Bobby Highsmith not Robert Highsmith not the shop owner from the time era this board is believed to be shaped in. His advice was taken with a grain of salt as it appears he was dead wrong about the board being a twin fin then someone after the single fin box. I just wish i knew the shaper and year this board was put out and if there are any others out there just like this one still in it’s original form. As for me it’s function over beauty and I’l ready for waves on this throwback.

I did some phone calls  for you and here’s what I came up with:

Your board was shaped by Bill Fury and glassed by my second cousin, Mike Williams (RIP) at the HB shop owned by Danny Callahan & Dave Gardner & Jack Cerrito.  In 1972, Bob Highsmith bought the business and later after the fire moved it to Oceanside. It was made sometime in 1970 as by ’71 the narrow tail design had taken over production. Two of my favorite places to hang out were the counter at Harbour Surfboards in Seal and Richards Café on PCH.  Bill Fury also had a surf shop in Seal Beach.

Thanks so much. The shaper means more to me than the worth! It’s like buying art! You actually buy a piece of that person’s soul! I plan to enjoy riding this thing for many years to come.

If you can provide a ride report, that would be great. Looks good. 

I’ll provide a report back as soon as the surf cooperates! Texas Summers can be long and drawn out flat spells. The irony is I work directly across a local peir that breaks almost daily but it’s been under knee high the last few days. It’s possible we might get a bump this Sunday however! Here’s the view from the job site! It just kills me some times!

Did you get any waves from that storm that hammered New Orleans a week or two ago?

Nah it was your basic 2-4 foot here! I had much better cleaner surf the previous Tuesday I had off. They got ota little better further up the coast around surf side but those guys get excited for anything above knee high. I was happy for them.

Back to the board. Did you use paint or resin? Curious as to how you did the rails if it was resin.

Nah i just used some acrylic paint out of a rattle can then leveled everything off by reversing the tape and hitting it a few times with clear coat. I years to leave the pinlines in tact and used them as the guidelines for the rails.