OK Let me start off by saying that my problems are in no way shape or form from any defect in the boxes or craftsmenship of the Probox Fin boxes.
The install is a breeze IF!! you follow instructions. I ,however, am not the type of person that likes to follow instructions. OK, I mostly followed them except I didnt put the clay in the screw holes. I WILL going forward.
On to the issue at hand. I installed the boxes and everything went great except that I got some resin in some of the screw holes and it seized the screw into the box. I figured I could apply some gentle pressure with an allen wrench and pop the screw loose. Well, it worked on three of the screws in other boxes but not the last screw. The screw stripped and now I have a mess. I have drilled plenty of screw heads and pulled them out with a screw extracter. This however doesnt work if the pilot hole for the extractor isnt straight. I screwed that up and now I cant use the extracter.
I am pondering whether or not to just drill out the screw completely from the box and then pouring the epoxy to repair the hole and then redrilling the screw hole and installing the new screw.
Am I way off or are there any tricks that I can try? Oh BTW what is the exact screw size in the proboxes?
Some probox users tap a third hole in the box and grind the fin tabs to give the fins a little more adjustment range,I’ve never done this but I’m guessing there is enough room to tap a new screwhole on a probox.
Recently had the rear center box front screw strip[ pro box] tried the epoxy retap didnot let set enough weak threads, maybe jb weld would do better,ended up using a oversize allen screw ss worked just fine.the new hole and tap is probably the best solution,got to have the extra allen wrench now ,not the end of the world but on a new board the aesthetic are a personal choice. good luck.
Please post your question on that thread so we can keep ProBox alive......
First I would break away all the unwanted resin. Then I would put a 1/8 bit in my drill...set the drill to reverse and slowly drive the screw out...yeah you got it ..back that guy out of there....nice and slow....might work . might not...it's worth a try...It's worked for me in the past..
Well, when I was monkeying around with the thing I screwed up and tore the glass around the box. So I "delicately" pulled the box out, routed a square hole around where the box was and am in the process of putting the new peice of foam in. I will sand the foam down and reglass that area and start from scratch. Here is the question, Gorilla Glue so it expands around the foam plug or epoxy? I am thinking Gorilla.
Thanks for the advice and links to other threads. It was a lesson hard learned. I have another quad coming up that I am using Proboxes on. I will plug the screw holes on that one.
Well, when I was monkeying around with the thing I screwed up and tore the glass around the box. So I "delicately" pulled the box out, routed a square hole around where the box was and am in the process of putting the new peice of foam in. I will sand the foam down and reglass that area and start from scratch. Here is the question, Gorilla Glue so it expands around the foam plug or epoxy? I am thinking Gorilla.
Thanks for the advice and links to other threads. It was a lesson hard learned. I have another quad coming up that I am using Proboxes on. I will plug the screw holes on that one.
Hi StAugustide,I just seen this thread. No don't use Gorilla Glue my friend. Please feel free to give me a call at the Factory (310)530-1383 with any questions before you install again. Most important, plug HOLES with putty before installing. VIVA La Swaylocks, Thanks my Swaylockian Brothers for helping out with the explainations, all were great you guys ROCK!.
Yeah nice work Bud. That has me inspired to R & R some Future side fins. The guy who shaped the board for me got everything else right but put a little too much toe on the fins. Ive been hesitant to tear them out but since you’ve done such a clean job I think I’ll take a shot at it.