what is this? point thingy

will I earn a free trip or some thing?

OH! jee!

now I have 3 more points for posting a topic

someone want to fill me in on this?

and I think my earnings should be retro active back to my start date

I will have to speek to my HR representative about this

Free Monster energy drinks ?


I sent you a point…Looks like you have seven

edit…it’s up to 12 now!

From the “New Forum To Do List”

thanks Durbs

Ive been realy buisy at work and working the devorce

I didnt take the time to look in the right place

WTF, I’ve been here for years. Posting my guts out on this website, and what do I have to show for it??? One little useless point! What can i buy with one point?..Nothing, not even a bar of swaylocks wax…not even a new swaylocks leash string…nothing.

I quit, you’ll never see another post from me. I’m leaving, this place sucks. One point…How rude. Better to have zero points, at least i could be called a zero then.

Shut up.

You may be pointless (or nearly so) BUT at least you have the Good Housekeeping Dead Seal of Approval.
That’s worth something!!

nm im wrong

That rant wasn’t entirely “pointless” as you’re now up to seven.


Hey Seal Man…

I threw you a point…Now… about that fin placement…

Hey now, may I please have a point for calling a spade a spade over on the new displacement hull thread? Thank you sir. May I have another? C’mon - I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine.

18 ,19 ,20…Go Ken Go!!!


Points…We don’t need no stinkin’ points !


Is it like camel cash or marlboro miles? Tshirts? Wetsuits? I’m saving mine up for a skil 100.


Can we take points away from idiots?

Seems like an invitation to spam the board - oh look, now I have 4 points :wink:

agreed, points for posts/threads seems like trouble.

it should all be about the props.

that being said, I’m writing a bot right now that will prop every user registered on the site so that I can have maximum points.

The problem with props points is that its a popularity meter, not a usefulness meter. Roy would have had loads of props by people wanting to balance the negative.

The problem with post points is that it rewards the asker of the question more than the answerer. Is the person who asks how to glass a board really 3 times more important than the person who tell them how to glass a board?