polihale cleanup


Help Open Our Park! Clean Up the Access Road!

Sierra Club and Surfrider Foundation Road Clean Up
Saturday April 11
3 PM to 6 PM

**Huge mahalo to Bruce Pleas for organizing the road restoration!

Saturday, April 11, 2009 from 3-6 pm. Polihale State Park and road trash (opala) clean up. Community is invited to clean up Polihale State Park and access road prior to opening. State Parks will supply the bags and pick up the bags of trash. The objective is to pick up as much trash as possible so the Park is in pristine condition when it opens. Please leave all natural items alone (wood, animals, flowers, etc.) Bring your own water, sunscreen and sun protection. Attire is up to you with the energetic cleaners needing to wear kiawe protection (shoes, long pants, arm protection and a tool that will help reach into the kiawe). This will be the first group of community members allowed into this area since the December 14 rain.
Entrance to this event will be at the Polihale State Park gate. A release form will be required to be filled out and signed before passing thru the gate and a check out will also be required as you leave. The bathrooms will be available for the volunteers. The restrictions for this event will be no beach access (clean up road and Park only). Please bring any camera's or video equipment to document the work done by the volunteers, the wildlife that is living in the area and the forces of nature that closed the Park.
Volunteer check in and check out people along with area monitors will be needed with these volunteers being able to access the Park early to view the work done and enjoy the solitude of being alone at Polihale.
View the work done at Polihale at http://www.flickr.com/photos/28305556@N06/
Please do not bring surfboards, fishing stuff, etc. The Beach will still be closed.
Contact Gordon LaBedz 337 9977 GLaBedzMD@aol.com

Howzit james, Good for you guys, Polihale is a special place on a special Island. Will be there in mind but unfortunately my physical situation will not allow me to join you in the clean up. Tell Bruce that Wildog says Aloha and one of these days he is going to get elected to the council, we need more people like him in our county government.Aloha,Kokua