polyester resin for rescue board ding repair

So, I do ding repairs on the rescue boards for the town in which I lifeguard. The boards get pretty hammered over the course of a season, mostly on the noses and tails. Heavy boards, strong wind, 120 pound girl carrying it through the doorway… bang Ooopsie! Last winter, I fixed a bunch of epoxy boards with West System epoxy, and polyester boards with Ding All Ultra Clear. Predictably, the epoxy repairs seem practically indestructible, while the polyester repairs seem… somewhat less so. [smile] So. This winter, I’d like to use something a little stronger on the polyester boards I fix. S929 as sold by Fiberglass Supply seems like it’d fit the bill. Any reason why I shouldn’t use this stuff? Clear is nice. Tough and durable is at least as important though. Any reason I shouldn’t use isophthalic tooling resin for ding repairs? Any reason I shouldn’t use vinylester resin for ding repairs? Any reason I should use S249A? I don’t have a really good reson for not using epoxy resin to fix the polyester boards beyond wanting to keep like with like, and keeping the costs down. Included is a link with pics of a board I repaired, so you can gauge my fiberglassing skill, or lack of it, and respond accordingly. [wink] http://vma.cape.com/~patrick/lifeguard/repair/board.htm

Patrick, I too repair lifeguard boards and have found Greg Loehr’s ‘Resin Research’ epoxy resin to be great to work with and plenty strong. Though I do revert back to Sun Cure polyester for most of the poly boards, mainly as a means to get the boards back on the beach or in the water quickly (I had to pull some all nighters recently to patch some boards for nationals at Cape May).I would suggest if you need additional strength, use Resin Research epoxy for both epoxy and polyester repairs. Incidently, I’m the USA east coast rep for Bennett Paddleboards as well as making surfboards long and short under my own name, give me a shout if you have any serious repair problems and need advice.(Sorry bout the semi spam).

Patrick, I too repair lifeguard boards and have found Greg Loehr’s ‘Resin Research’ epoxy resin to be great to work with and plenty strong. Though I do revert back to Sun Cure polyester for most of the poly boards, mainly as a means to get the boards back on the beach or in the water quickly (I had to pull some all nighters recently to patch some boards for nationals at Cape May).I would suggest if you need additional strength, use Resin Research epoxy for both epoxy and polyester repairs. Incidently, I’m the USA east coast rep for Bennett Paddleboards as well as making surfboards long and short under my own name, give me a shout if you have any serious repair problems and need advice.(Sorry bout the semi spam).