Hi, I’m shaping my first board and have been all over these forums looking for as much info as I can on glassing a PU board with polyester Laminating resin. I am still unclear on a few things however:
For Laminating:
I assume that Solarez laminating resin is a decent choice since I can control the cure time…
After I allow the laminating layer to cure, For the hot/fill coat- Can I use the Solarez laminating resin mixed with surfacing agent for this step? Or should I get the gloss resin?
I was under the impression the hot coat was lamintating resin with a styrene monomer/wax solution…
I ask this because I wanted to get a gallon of solarez to glass two boards using it for Laminating and filling…
I haved searched but my comp is broken and it literally took me30 min to write this cuz keyboard is broken- any links or help would be appreciated.
just be sure to let your hotcoat sit for a few minutes before bringing it out in the sun. the wax needs time to rise to the surface. if it cures before the wax rises, you’ll have a real mess trying to sand.
Yep, buy yourself the solarez lam and some wax in styrene and mix up as much hotcoat resin as you need. 2-3% in the lam will turn it to filler.
Before you put it in the sun let the wax come to the surface or it will harden just like lam resin and will be a bitch to sand.
If you have black or dark coloured decals or logos, you must catalyse a bit of resin to lay them up or they will stay wet underneath, if you need more time use 0.5% catalayst for the logos, they will go hard.
If you’re going to use Solarez (excellent idea in my opinion), add a little bit of MEKP for the drips that get on the floor. About .5% is what I use. Otherwise you’ll probably end up with a slippery mess that won’t dry for ages. Add between 3 to 5 percent of wax in styrene to your laminating resin to turn it into hot coat resin. I give my hot coats about 10 minutes before taking them into the sun. This lets the wax rise up like the previous posters said. Humidity can be a real problem when hotcoating as well, so hotcoating on a falling temperature (afternoon/evening) may be a good idea.