Does anyone have an opinion concerning free trade agreements such as NAFTA, CAFTA, or the WTO and their affects on domestic surfboard manufacturing? It seems that there is some concern out there about boards being made cheaper overseas due to a lack of environmental regulations and labor standards. I guess a first question would be, are overseas manufacturers abiding to ILO standards? ILO being the International Labor Organization. It is well known that the WTO agreements allowing flight of capital with no trade regulations has created a “race to the bottom” in the garment industry. Trans-national corporations shop 3rd world countries for the lowest wages and miserable working conditions for maximum profits. How do we know if surfboards are or are not being made in sweatshops?
matt vecere
I think Mr. Surf editor has tapped into something here (The BIG PICTURE) . First off its really a joke to think that we can police international labor laws. I dont know if any of you remember that in Los Angeles about 10 years ago a garment factory was exposed for running a type of indentured servant/slave operation with labor being smuggled in from South Asia. Now if this can happen in our own backyard what are the chances that we will be able to monitor some far distant jungle in the middle of India? International labor laws only serve as a facial rouse. Big time investors know its slave labor which is exactly why they invest in it so heavily.
How many of us surfers (or just Americans in general) passively sat by and didn’t bother to follow NAFTA and WTO events in the 90’s (by the way WTO is like the 4th name for this organization… the big monied interests figured if they keep changing the name the people wont figure it out). In Seatle thousands from all around the world wreaked havok just to draw attention to the WTO so that Americans would learn that it exists and how it threatens us. I know that there are alot of older folks here on this site… Do you guys remember the debates between Ross Perot and Al Gore?..Remember prediction by Ross Perot?..He said that if NAFTA passes there would be a sucking sound of Americans jobs going to Mexico…I know NAFTA specifically applies to Mexico and the pop outs from China but the larger issue here is
GLOBALIZATION. I didn’t hear sufers bitch back than about international labor but there sure were alot of people hurting in Flint Michigan in the 80’s and 90’s. Are surfers collectively as a group just selfish apolitical tools? Most Americans are so wrapped up in there own self interests that they don’t bother to educate themselves in political matters until there own piece of the pie shrinks. WTO, NAFTA, EU, EMU are all powerful trade regimes where decisions that impact the lives of countless human beings are being made by annonymous beuracrats in complete secrecy. Both the Democrats and Republicans both support GLOBALIZATION with little protection for workers or the environment. In fact our government pays corporations big BUKOO $'s (corporate welfare) to export American Jobs Abroad. If we continue to ignore the bigger issues we don’t stand a chance against our corporate masters. Our only chance is if we collectively open our eyes and form grassroots movements (that includes not just surfers…a bunch of surfers VS. the Huge Corporations…hahahahahah…a bad joke). Of corse the only way this could happen is if people are able to see beyond their own self absorbed lives. We live in a open and free society and if we choose to be ingnorant and lathargic we have nobody to blame but ourselves. As we scream out “Anybody who rides a surftech is a KOOK” the folks in Flint Michigan are holloring “Anybody who drives an Import Car or Car with imported parts is a trader to America”. Can any of us see the bigger picture or are we all just caught up in our own selfish interests? Multi Nationals have both of the big political parties in their pocketbooks so what is concerned citizen to do?