power plane questions

i dont quite know what i did, but the other day i was shaping eps with a cheap planer that i bought off a discount tool website (like harbor freight) and it just started smoking like crazy and before I even knew what was up it fried and now it wont start again. teaches me the lesson that i got what i paid for.

anyway, in search of a new planer. looking at the skil 1560 from lowes. does anybody know if its a decent tool that will last me a long time? anybody have reccomendations or models you have had success with?


The Bosch 1594K looks good for the price. I have an older model, with the single blade. This model has a double blade. Mine’s lasted for years. Blades are easily replaced and cheap. Check toolbarn.com for a great deal.

I got a refurbished Hitachi (non modified) off ebay for $75 shipped from Kentucky to Florida. Came with a one year warranty. It’s a good priced planer for college student shaper like me.

The Bosch 1594K could be your best choice. There is a new model by Makita that some are trying out in the last month. Maybe you’ve already found this thread though: http://www2.swaylocks.com/forums/hitachi-bosch-planer-mod-kits

scboy, i think what happened is that the slots where the motor sucks cool air got clogged, check and blow them out during shaping.

