Looking to add a little mechanization to my surfboard shaping. Are there any inexpensive power planers out there that will do the job for the occasional shaper? What should I look for? Price? Thanks for your help. Happy New Year!
There are lots of alternatives out there to the Skill 100’s. Everything from clark-modifided Makitas to discounted knockoffs. Try - http://www.harborfreight.com/, or Amazon.com, or http://www.fiberglasssupply.com/ - if you want to buy on-line. Or you can just head out to the local Home Depot and get one… There’s also lots of info on modifying planers to improve them for shaping here in the archives… But even an off the shelf model can be used for shaping boards.>>> Looking to add a little mechanization to my surfboard shaping. Are there > any inexpensive power planers out there that will do the job for the > occasional shaper? What should I look for? Price? Thanks for your help.>>> Happy New Year!
Looking to add a little mechanization to my surfboard shaping. Are there > any inexpensive power planers out there that will do the job for the > occasional shaper? What should I look for? Price? Thanks for your help.>>> Happy New Year! Even for an occasional shaper (myself included) the modified Hitachi sold by Clark Foam is a good choice. I bought an inexpensive Black and Decker when I started out and found the cuts to shallow. I then ended up getting the Hitachi. I wished I had just gotten the Hitachi to start off with and save the cost of getting the cheaper one first.
Looking to add a little mechanization to my surfboard shaping. Are there > any inexpensive power planers out there that will do the job for the > occasional shaper? What should I look for? Price? Thanks for your help.>>> Happy New Year! I’ve got a Chicago Electric (The Hitachi knock off from Harbor Freight) that has only been used on 5 boards. If you are interested e-mail and we will work out a price. Justin