Prep the ding

Try a larger piece of 2 oz over 4 oz.  I find it helps the transition.  So many uses for 2 oz.  I always keep it around.

Cheers guys! That old repair I did with materials I could find locally. West system epoxy, 407 brown low density filler and some 320 grams! cloth. I also tried some 110 grams cloth but had issues with the fibers always unravelling when I squeegeed. Years later I ordered a quart of kwik kick+addF and some 4 oz surfboard cloth (e-glass?), and it was like a dream to work with in comparison. I only use solarez if there is a swell that I really don’t wanna miss;-) 

Epoxy? Solarez? Be careful not to mix the two on the same board/repair. They don’t like each other. Also, throughout this thread it sounds like you’re talking about poly resin, yet that older repair was epoxy? If so, don’t use poly on that (epoxy) nose. 

Actually, IMO you should use epoxy on all of those dings; it’s easier to work with, less smell, less additives, and works on poly and epoxy boards equally well. Again, that’s an opinion. And Doc & McDing have been doing this a lot longer than I…

Routers can be a good idea for certain dings, but an exacto my be the smarter move. A nice middleman between a router and exacto knife would be a Dremmel tool with a small cutoff wheel. It’s been a lifesaver/timesaver for many dings of mine, especially delams. 


Thanks Monkstar1! All the repairs on this board have been done with epoxy resins. And I have both epoxy and poly fiberfilled uv-resins just for emergencies, surftrips, since I own a epoxy and pu board. It just took me a while to figure out that I had to order surfboard resins etc. from abroad. For example I paid $10 for 2 squegees and 2 yards of 4 oz, and $38 in shipping, plus 25% tax on the total. You can imagine what a quart of resin cost me.

Dremmel seems like a great tool:-) For now I will try to avoid powertools, so that I don’t make mistakes and bigger dings.