preshaped blanks

I’ve been looking to get a board shaped with less rocker, kind of like a mini-longboard - but it seems that all of the blanks are made with rocker preshaped into them. Does this make shaping a board with more custom rocker a more difficult process? Swaylock

The rockers match up to the specifications of the board designer of the blank. Rockers are easily modified by a good shaper to the extent the blank allows. Less rocker will mean less volume in the center of the board in your case. If the blank is thick enough, no problem. Builders like to remove off the bottom to keep the harder foam on the top. The outer part of the foam is denser that the inner parts of the foam.>>> I’ve been looking to get a board shaped with less rocker, kind of like a > mini-longboard - but it seems that all of the blanks are made with rocker > preshaped into them. Does this make shaping a board with more custom > rocker a more difficult process?>>> Swaylock

The rockers match up to the specifications of the board designer of the > blank. Rockers are easily modified by a good shaper to the extent the > blank allows. Less rocker will mean less volume in the center of the board > in your case. If the blank is thick enough, no problem. Builders like to > remove off the bottom to keep the harder foam on the top. The outer part > of the foam is denser that the inner parts of the foam. Check out our website , which shows you a board with minimal rocker made from poly propylene foam, our propietary flexible resin, which give you a very sturdy board that does not pressure ding when you knee paddle. The board is call ed the SWIZZLE and is Y’s (the former Tom Morey) latest and maybe his greatest creation. Some of his proud owners include Wingnut, Rusty Miller, Bing Copeland, Steve Pezman to name a few. The foam is automobile bumper foam with 100% memory.

Chuck, What is the address to your site? (reply here but also add it to the “resources” on this website). Also, for future purposes, if you know the url to a picture on your site you can post it below so we can see it here. Mas speedy. What’s the deal with Swizzle anyway. Is it being applied to surfboards or just paddle boards? I saw a picture of it in Surfers Journal a few issues back - but to be honest I can’t figure out what it’s supposed to do. Please enlighten me. Swaylock>>> Check out our website , which shows you a board with minimal rocker made > from poly propylene foam, our propietary flexible resin, which give you a > very sturdy board that does not pressure ding when you knee paddle. The > board is call ed the SWIZZLE and is Y’s (the former Tom Morey) latest and > maybe his greatest creation. Some of his proud owners include Wingnut, > Rusty Miller, Bing Copeland, Steve Pezman to name a few. The foam is > automobile bumper foam with 100% memory.