
the sport of kings

alas we have been bouyed up by this commentary

definition of our treasured pastime.

the Divining tool of our electronic age

the television,spoke to me this morn .

albeit preoccupied

with the explanation

of what the heckle

I was doin on swaylocks

last night for hours

predjudice whining drivel

the damn tele popped to loife

wit di running of de

oirish darby

to the lay person

THE 141st running of the


what were the chances?

how many million to one chance was that

now here we have another


dont get me wrong I aint a race nut

I never been to da track

yet Ive heard and digested

some of the mythology for a lifetime

Kirin Fallon on Dlyan Thomas

of all things won the sucker

the horse was named

to honor an Irish poet no less

the smoile on Mr. Fallon’s face was celestial

same thing dont get me wrong

I shut the tv off after

he coasted to a stop

and before they started

flowering up the winner

wit floral garlands and such

what I had

was an example

of an alternate aspiration

for another

sport of kings

surfing as a sport?

is in its adolecence

dominated by adolecent archtypes

with shallow goals and insights

a noble activity with sucker fish

parasitical promoters

living off the life force

diverting awareness to

consumeristic delusions of granduer

validated by filthy luchre

this horse race

where the most

beautiful steed

is ridden stratagicly

to pass the field of exemplary

high bred horses

ridden by men not tall

of regulated weight

dressed in fine clothing

to the financial tune of surely millions

to a crowd of observers

imense in numbers

spread world wide

on the edges of their seats

some of them

risking small fortunes

what an event.

whereas we have


the sport of kings

a rag tag band

of ner do wells

arguing over

sampling natural phenomenon

scrapping over possession

making divisive comments back and forth

unable to come to a concensus

about judging the

damned activity.

if it were the sport of kings


would preside and say what was what.

the closest thing we have to the king is

… Buff…

king by respect of a life on the beach

as a waterman ,lifesaver,father,and friend

A Friend to all including many never met

I had the privlidge of meeting Nappy a few years back

I thanked him for being who he was

and buff’s event every spring

a modern day makahiki

where all forms are validated

Paipo,bully board, tandem no less

canoe teams now beach boy event

(sup? Beach Boy sounds cooler)

the alternative adolescent-upstarts

are notorius for scrapping

over waves at the contention beaches

fighting their way up to noteriety

how lame.Basing respect on such

is a slippery slope.Violence begets violence

stupidity begets stupididity

and the spiral will never self right itself

The King said nobody surfs where the princess does

they call it queens

the jamie ballenger sequence

photos of the young girl hanging

on the nose in last sundays contest

photos were a true dellight

perhaps the spirit of an ancient princess

revisited queens lineup that moment

whining pretenders to the throne

as well pre occupied with

their self importance in the

"Promotional Arena’

(I’ve said it before

professional is a mis nomer)

sport of kings demeaned

when we become higher minded

perhaps by recognising the Buffalo K. contest format

and the like attitudes of the brian K.'s

giving of the contest trophy

to a respected elder

Bobby ah Choy

for a life

of dedication to the beach

as our model aspiration

we might become

a shadow of our potential



grow the puk up

simple? not really.

growing up is no easy task.

the highest form

makes it look simple

pretenders argue

and waggle

and snarl

and whine


the true nobility

can catch the pulse

of the blood of earth

and flawlessly

transit the turmoil


by either

beastiality or


to commune with

the higher life

waiting for us all


beyond…the reef?

Amen. And thank you for being who you are. Any White Canoe Waves lately? Mike

Nice one Ambrose

The main difference between surfing and horse racing is of course that horseracing is a race, whereas currently surfing is a style show, and is thus less pure . … fashion show catwalk fights versus the singleminded goal of the track .

Did 31.5 kmph a couple of days ago, in small onshore slop, a poor result, but ok for the day, verifiable, and honest.



I’ll up my number of minutely informative posts to two by pointing out that Dylan Thomas was Welsh.

Yes bros, yes,but what if…6 were 9 ?

ah thanks lad.

are they all celts?

fer me western roots

they are all respectable gents

from the old country

bless em all

that love deeply.


the white canoe

waits for the perfect set

sit closelly sos ye can get the nod

from the knowlegable captain he’s

lookin fer future crew.

paddle out

catch a wave

…stoked !

Good one on you,man !

What if ??? is what separates us from the rest of the animal kindom folks…

thank you Ambrose… i agree wholeheartedly… and, as always, i love the delivery

preach brother ambrose! the vaqueros had a big weekend buckin’ hay at jalama- que bueno!



‘‘some guy dropped by lookin fer you.’’

my wife said when I got home

I was out cuttin styro foam at me friends house…

got back at one thirty…

you just missed him…

I said …“I thought he was coming at 4;30”

“He was really smelly,”

You mean like perfume?"I asked

Uh Huh she said

he’s married to a haole chick sez me…

He He he doesnt know we live like mexican indians

and we all laughed…

Then I said “He must be a spaniard”

Los Vaquerros Trabajo Mucho

en Jalama?

los ranchitos circa de Jalama?

or was the hay

the low tide sea grass

what a smell wow…

big incoming tide this mornin’

about flooding arround here


aloha from waipouli