pretty f'd up tail

gotta fix this tail for one of my friends and im not quite sure about the best way to do it. How would you guys go about fixing this? btw its a 6’10 freedom

Grind away any loose glass - the remaining fin looks like it may be sketchy too - get rid of it. Fill any holes with putty. Laminate new set of fins with plenty of cloth. Fill the gaping hole with putty or foam chunk, shape it to size, laminate cloth over repair. Mask the edge and hot coat the whole thing - fins and hole repair. Flip it and hot coat over repair on deck side. Sand and gloss.

thanks john. just one more question, how do you attach the scarp foam to the old foam?

Cut out what’s damaged and fit in a new piece. Glue with Gorilla Glue, resin and filler, or even Bondo should work. Gorilla Glue foams a bit and will fill gaps. Sand it a little below flush so the glass won’t sit proud above repair.

Tooth picks, or carve your own little spikes to hold untill glue/paste sets. A good “glue” filler is to mix up @ 50/50 glass beads and cabosil then mix sandable resin till thick as peanut butter. Glass beads = light (filler), cabosil = strong/hard (glass bead makes sanding easier). I like it 'cuz you can keep glass beads, cabosil on hand, dry, and you already got your resin. Anyway, just a thought. Good luck, Taylor