I did a search of this topic, but came up with nothing, so I thought I’d post the question. I read somewhere, someone saying they printed out a planform template full size, and just taped all the pages together. I went to the clark online catalog, and couldn’t figure out how to do that. Zooming in didn’t affect what was going to be printed. Can anybody out there clue me in?
Well it seems pretty obvious; I want the full size printout, so I can cut the shape out of all the pages, tape them all together, and just lay that on the blank to use as a cutting guide. That, in place of the current system of transcribing the measurements off the info page of the clark catalog, and connecting the dots with a batten. This system is prone to error, due to the possibility of introducing flat spots in the curve, if you don’t bend the batten just right. I know, fly rods work better than battens, but I don’t have a fly rod. It just seems easier to me to get a full size printout from the catalog, if I can.
My point is, copying the outline of a blank i dont see serving any purpose. a blank is a blank if you want an outline from a clark catalouge… by the blank and its right there.
It makes more sense if per say you went to a website stole a board pic and blew that up to scale cause then you would have a useable template
Seems to me if your eye is so crooked you can’t draw a nice curve, that maybe after you luckily get a nice curve on the blank that you cannot shape a nice curve without huge flatspots and corners.
One begets the other…if you can’t see a smooth curve, you certainly will not be able to stop shaping the blank since you don’t know when to stop.
Have a 4’x8’ Masonite panel cut into four 1’x8’ pieces. Then with a square, pencil, saw, hand plane, sandpaper (36,and 60 grit), a hard sanding block, and tape measure, layout, cut out, and create a half template of the board you want. JUST DO IT. Do it in stages, over several days. You’ll see things you missed the day before. Keep pecking away at it till you get what you want. Shaping is an ongoing learning experience. You may learn that you can do it, or that you cannot. Either way you are better for the knowing.
Clark catalog illustrations and dimensions are not templates. the illustration is just a example of what the BLANKs outline looks like.
Do like Thrailkill said… Mess around making some templates. after a while things will start to make sence. A flexy batten will work fine. get your eyes down close and sight down your outline to see any flat, inward or wavey spots. after cutting out your template use your block plane to clean up the templates outline… everything in life is prone to erro… Stop thinking about it so much and just do it.
I have worked with the Clark Foam in the past in there development of the pdf format. All the pics in the catalog are approximate. Nothing, I would use for accurate printing. The first rule in using prints is to never scale off. Use the written measurements.