producing glassing effects

hey everyone. i was wondering how to produce effects like the one in the picture at the website below. how can i do that with resin pigments, and and what stage would i do that? lamination? after lamination? after the sanded hotcoat? thanks for your help -steve

Wow - that is one psychedelic glass job! “Acid splash” and “Tiger stripe” glass jobs are tricky. Some people literally pour the pigmented resin right on the glass as part of the laminating process. I’ve also seen a variety of devices used to transfer colored resin onto the work including fin rope, stir sticks, etc. It is a real art and covering the step by step process might not be appreciated by those who have developed their technique through trial and error. Just getting the right color is an art in itslef. I do know that the resin/pigments are mixed ahead of time, the colored resin is under-catalyzed and a relatively hot lamination “flood coat” is applied over the color once it’s applied to the board. Experiment! Part of the appeal of the Cooperfish boards is that in addition to the some great color work, the shapes are bitchen and the gloss/polish jobs are superb.

John is right. This is a technique that the guys who are doing on a commercial level have spent entire lifetimes perfecting. The Cooperfish boards feature some unique shaping,lamination and resin art work. A true labor of love. I believe a lot of the glasswork is credited to Clyde Beatty Jr. If you are trying to get similar effects then start with a single element and perfect that and then move on to the next. Learning to laminate with tints, opaques, cut laps etc. is an art form unto itself. Adding splashes etc and maintaining the symmetry in the laps complete with color splashes and polished finish is way out there on the learning curve and takes lots of laminations to perfect I’m sure. Pick one aspect of the process you really like and go for it. Those cheap plastic squirt ketchup and mustard serving bottles might work well for delivering a handy premixed(uncatalyzed)batch of colored resin. Test the plastic first with resin. Good luck! Tom Sterne>>> hey everyone. i was wondering how to produce effects like the one in the > picture at the website below. how can i do that with resin pigments, and > and what stage would i do that? lamination? after lamination? after the > sanded hotcoat? thanks for your help -steve>>>

Thanks for the back-up Tom. Mike Janich (aka “Dr. Ding”) is my dentist and I know he’s done a couple of tiger stripe jobs for Gene Cooper. He has done some outstanding board restorations as well. Going to the dentist is like visiting a surfboard museum for me!

wow! my brother is my dentist. About all I get there is a list of the upcoming days I’ll have to feed his horses while he is off on the road “showing” his other ones. Yeha! Your dentist could do some pretty fine looking enamel jobs on your teeth I bet! Tom>>> Thanks for the back-up Tom. Mike Janich (aka “Dr. Ding”) is my > dentist and I know he’s done a couple of tiger stripe jobs for Gene > Cooper. He has done some outstanding board restorations as well. Going to > the dentist is like visiting a surfboard museum for me!

hi again… i have done 3 boards so far, and used resin pigments on all of them, ive done stripes and laps and all that stuff. but for example… say i laminated the bottom with a dark blue but wanted white splashes all over it. would i laminate it w/ the blue first and then mix up some white resin and splash it all over? would that work? thanks again steve