Has anyone made a profile able for accurate profileshaping? Any ideas?
Has anyone made a profile able for accurate profileshaping?>>> Any ideas? I built my first one in 1968, it sat on empty acetone drums and had a frame of 4x4’s with pine rails. My present one is all box tubing with chain drive for the height adjustment and uses precision bearings to ride on the rails. Learing to weld was 10 times more frustrating that learning to shape. I spent more time with stuck rods and swearing til I thought I would stroke out. Buying a digital level was the key to close tolerance on setting it up for leveling blanks. JP http://www.JimtheGenius@aol.com
Thanks for the info Jim. Where are digital levels sold. I would like to buy one. Thanks.
Jim, I would be interested in purchasing a profile machine from you. If you are initerested e-mail me at: