just wondering if anyone had some info on profiling machines I’d like to have a go at making one.I’ve only seen one and it was poorly constructed and the boards didn’t look too good either.any pictures would be a great help and or plans,dimensions to give me something to go off.thanx in advance.Lance…
just wondering if anyone had some info on profiling machines I’d like to > have a go at making one.I’ve only seen one and it was poorly constructed > and the boards didn’t look too good either.any pictures would be a great > help and or plans,dimensions to give me something to go off.thanx in > advance.Lance… Lance I use my machine every night and most weekends. I made mine to cut boards from 5’3" up to 9’8 The finish is smooth if you take your time cutting. Just finished 11 x 9’4" mals for Classic Malibu and 10 short boards for gary, Got 26 Mini mal to cut this week at night. E - mail me and i will send you some photos and give me a Fax Number so i can fax you some drawnings Peter http://www.southcoastfoam.com.au
Rabbits on the money his profiles are clean,precise and a pleasure to shape.keep up the good work mate.
What’s a profiling machine?
What’s a profiling machine? a non-beer drinking replacement for an apprentice shaper