Project : Turning a blank stuff up into a nugget shape

Long story short, i cut down a 7’5’’ minimal blank into a 6’8’‘, however i cut it all off the nose, so i had a blank that was 6’8’’ long, with 3 1/4 nose rocker, and 3’’ tail rocker. Today i walked past it, looked at it, and wondered hmmmmm if i cut a few inches off the tail, i may end up with a nugget shape. So, i did, and ended up with 2 1/2’’ tail, and the same 3 1/4’’ nose rocker. And a 17’’ tail, 20’’ widepoint, behind centre, and, if i cut to the new template line, a 13’’ nose, or i leave it as is, and have a 14’’ nose. Anyway here’s a pic while i’ve got the camera out.

Comments welcome. Especially regarding finning this board.

One reason I’m so good at repairs is that I’ve screwed up lots of boards. Right now I’m glossing a 6’11" egg that started out as a 8’2"…

Throw out the numbers. The new nose outline looks good. Take a five gallon bucket and trace it for your tail. Find the wide point and mark it. Might use it might not. Take a flexible piece of wood like floor molding and blend the new nose outline into the bucket tail. Use as much width as possible but don’t limit your shape by the wide point. Some like wide point forward some like it towards the back. If you are right handed draw the new outline on the right. Left handed draw it on the left. Now run a tape measure down the center and make a mark every 6 inches. Measure the outline and transfer it to the other side every 6 inches. Use the floor molding to mark the outline…Stand back and look at your new board…Modify as needed…

Report back here

Today’s beer …Miller Genuine Draft


Stingray, i’ve already put a subtle double bump tail ( after this photo was taken ) in to pull the tail block in to 6’’ from 8", looks kinda like a stop sign!, but its pulled the tail in. You’re right, im not too fussed about the numbers, and im thinking of leaving the nose as is for paddling. I started to sand down the bevels on the deck, before , when this was a Big guy tri, so if i leave it, i wont have to re mark my rail bands. im also thinking of down rails, but have no idea on how to do them, other than to start with square rails, and just do a thousand passes with dragon skin or screen haha. BTW, it is hard to see, but the new nose i marked out is from a new template that is marked on the whole blank, so i will probably just sand to that line and go with that. I will surely report mate.

After seeing the previous thread with jettylocals nice shape, i went to the shed and made up a new template. Here it is, ended up being 13 1/2 nose x 20 wide - 4’’ x 16 3/4 tail. I think i might actually be able to get a decent board from a horrible noob mistake. This is roughly cut to about 1/4 from the new template line.

P.S the lines you see near the nose are from another template, the new template lines are barely seeable in the pic.