As I understand it, this project was started by Alan M.(blast knee boards)he talked to George about it and George steered him to Paul.( they all have known each other for years.)Anyway, the project was started. Some thoughts, ideas, and numbers were tossed around with the outcome being a one time run of 6 boards at a cost of $1500.00, with the blessings of George paul set up shop and started shaping,sandig, grinding etc.Word of the project slowly got out which caused a little, was there enough interest to sell even 6 boards? Is there anyone left out there who knows who Greenough is or how significant his contributions to the world of surfing are? Does anyone care?Well, after a slow, low-key start, the word has got out and all doubts about the project have been erased(I think)For more info on this from the direct source go to Blast Kneeboards Hawaii and correspond with Alan M. I do believe all boards have been sold, perhaps one left. peace, Matt