PU / Epoxy Shrinking Problems (Which Blank Manufacturers?)

when are we going to get the good formula here in the usa?


the stuff here is off white and softer.




Andrew (SBUSA) has a container of foam system on the water now.

It is the system designed to make Pink Foam.

May take him a while to fire up so that the blanks are as you would like.

I have retain blanks samples from this container - I can tell you they are pretty impressive!

Please keep in mind that by agreement (1990s) - Superwhite will only be made in Australia, South Africa and Brazil.

Some of the SBUSA formula made in my factory has exceded Superwhite for appearance and physical properties.



I have not had any of the issues with epoxy over poliester.  I've got to say boards built this way are tough as nails.  I am very impressed by the durability of my epoxy over poliester boards. 

The best thing to me is that they don't ding quite the same as a poliester glassed board.  With the poliester glassed board even a small pressure ding shatters the glass enough to let some water get in.  With the epoxy glassed board you do get a dent but the dent remains watertight in most cases.  We've just had a good run of surf here and my boards have taken a beating and I've only had one ding on my epoxy glassed boards that opened up so I needed to repair it.

This is one of the reasons I prefer epoxy so much more to polyester on PU as it ends the spider crack scenario. It’s more ding resitant too I find.