Hey everybody. i hear countless questions about the coats, the rails, the measurements etc. But the one thing that i never hear is anything about the one thing that i hope you all love. That is, surfing. im not saying that the things we talk about arent helpful, they are trust me, but what i am saying is that we should concentrate not so much on what we ride so much as the ride itself. if anyone agrees with me, feel free to tell everybody a story of the best day you went out or whatever. id like to hear it.~surf forever
I know that the last thing I’m thinking about when I’m dropping-in a wave is the specifications of my longboard. I don’t worry if I chose exactly the right board for the conditions of the day; I’ll ride and have fun regardless. I try and ride every board as if it’s my only board. Surfing to me is, “A skillfully controlled watery thrill ride”!>>> Hey everybody. i hear countless questions about the coats, the rails, the > measurements etc. But the one thing that i never hear is anything about > the one thing that i hope you all love. That is, surfing. im not saying > that the things we talk about arent helpful, they are trust me, but what i > am saying is that we should concentrate not so much on what we ride so > much as the ride itself. if anyone agrees with me, feel free to tell > everybody a story of the best day you went out or whatever. id like to > hear it.~surf forever
When I used to own Sea doo. I spent too much money on it and I getting fat and ride it. I decide to give it away since I cant afford to pay gas,oil, and trailer fees. I was think about something do with water. I decided to buy 8’6" with over 100 dings and cost me 30 bucks… Duct tape almost cover whole board! I learn it by my own… its not easy! One day, I meet Devon Howard and He is damn cool person! Guess what, I still keep uglyboard and bought two boards more! pay board once compare with Jetski’s bull#&*@ fees ! Im machine, cotrol board and take what wave give you!!!>>> I know that the last thing I’m thinking about when I’m dropping-in a wave > is the specifications of my longboard. I don’t worry if I chose exactly > the right board for the conditions of the day; I’ll ride and have fun > regardless. I try and ride every board as if it’s my only board. Surfing > to me is, “A skillfully controlled watery thrill ride”!