Hi, I read around for quad fin setups and most of the answers are not very clear. Please just give me measurements for a quad fin fish were you could also ride it as a twin fin thanks alot.
fin placement varies with board type and dimension. help us help you by posting some dimensions of planned shape
The size is 6’1" but not sure about the width I think it is around 20" give or take a half inch. I the measurments so i could have two little fins and 2 larger fins
I would like a fin set up like this Is there a difference if smaller fins are in the back. Is this the best setup?
are you shaping the board or are you getting someone else to do it for you? Either way, we will still need more dimensions than just one width and one length measurment. That KG board looks sick though, is it yours?
Hi Retro builder.I ride a 6’2 quad fish like yours but wider for weak waves.Big fins
are MR tfx up front and fcs gfx in the rear.Rear fins 7.5" from tip of swallow.
Front fins the rear is at 11-3/8" from tip of swallow tail.Hope this helps.
I had a shaper shape it and i am glassing it and putting the fins in. The only demsions writen on it are 6’1"X19.5"X3 7/8" what other demsions should i have because i will measure the board right now and please give me the dimesion on where the dots are placed Thanks
3 7/8" ? you wont even get wet riding that thing!
sorry about that i meant that it was 2 7/8
So I did little more reasearch and I want the measurments for the dots on a twinzer on my board, kinda like the black one. again the demsions are 6’1" x 19.5 if you need anymore dimesions just ask thanks
Identifying four fin set-ups can be a little confusing.
The KG board is what I call a Twinzer, that is – small lead (canard) fins with larger drive fins trailing them.
Most surfer and shapers will consider a board with rail fins placed and sized much like a thruster with smaller trailers inboard and about 6 inches or so from the tail a Quad.
There are many variation on these themes. Some guys stack a pair of rail fins real close together of similar size.
One thing that I’ve found is that the cant and toe in of the lead fin should be greater than the trailer. How much is up to the guy building the board.
Generally a Twinzer’s main drive fins are from 9 to 10 inches from the tail and set with 2 degrees of cant. Generally they are 5.125 to 5.75" deep depending on tail width.
No Worries, Rich