quad on semi gun?

Ok, so I’m about to endeavor on shaping my second surfboard. I have a 7’3" blank, I plan on shaping a semi gun 7’x19"x2 3/4 rounded pin, something I can use in juicy double o waves. I’m 5’7" and 170#, I’ve had a shape similar to this that worked great but really don’t remember what my nose rocker and tail rocker was (Hammish shaped 7’4" pin) Any suggestions on my rocker? More importantly, after doing some reading, I’m wondering if it would be smart to attempt setting 5 fin boxes (ie allowing me to ride the board as a thruster or quad). Am I crazy? Should I stick with just a thruster or quad? (is it too much work and chance for error being a novice shaper?) Any suggestions. . . thanks

I did a 7’0" quad a few years back and liked it very much. If you do a convertible, use Probox to get the fore-aft adjustability. I found that I like my front fins more forward when ridden as a quad.

mckee’s updated gun placement feels very nice I have a 6’6 that handles double overhead very well with those fins
























This looks good to me! =)

That looks like a fun ride for 2XOH. Have you ever surfed one of those Chrisp? Wide point seems to be at center on that Stretch…

McKee fin placement, Go 5 fins with Pro Box or Future or FCS for the quads but use FCS for the center so you can use a small single plug center fin in the front or back plug. Also a half size 2 plug fin or a full size thruster fin could then be used. I have found a small center fin will help a quad set up in bumpy conditions(making it a 5 fin). And the only time I use a thruster set up is for super hollow bumpy waves where I need to crank a bottom turn without any slip or skip. Rocker should be based on the type of wave your surfing and how you want the board to surf/handle. Modern performance boards are up around 5" in the nose and 2" to 2.5" in the tail I think. 

Nope, never… The lines on this one just appeal to me… Stretch has his stuff dialed

that doesnt look like a mckee set up to me…

I reallyl like the Stretch, my brother has a 6’1" batwing quad and it’s a great board. BillyWillgo how does that board handle with such a wide tail? And does it seem to add a little more resistance/slow bog you down at all with the center fin? I will probably use a Future fin setup. As far as rocker goes I plan on having less than 4" in the nose and 2" in the tail. A little flat. 



That board in my photo is my 6’0" Mini Simmons so not really similar to what your shaping but I just wanted you to see the little center fin (I made) that I use and the two positions possible using FCS. Sometimes I even put that small fin and an FCS key inside the wrist of my suit. Once I paddle out if I find I need it I just put it in right in the lineup. Other times I’ll put the small fin in the front or back plug, put the key in my suit, and then move it forward or back while in the water if I want the board to be looser or tighter. 

When I do use it I wouldn’t say I noticed any less speed just better hold. And like I said I only use it when it’s bumpy or when the waves are super heavy so any loss of speed would be hard to notice… and those types of conditions are the only times I find the quad setup a little slippery… mostly when it’s bumpy.

Also sometimes when I use the small center fin I use smaller back fins. My normal all around quad back fins are 375’s but when I throw that center fin in I sometimes use my 340’s. (Mostly when it’s smaller, but bumpy).
