Quad or thruster 🤔

Thank you. What’s your recommendation for cleaning up that messy under side? Hard sanding block/sander/grinder? I guess it depends where

Cut went Ok. Trying to figure out how to cover up those tape job scars by the tail.

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Going well! Better than I ever thought my first board would turn out. For the leash plug- should I sand it down, grinding away the fiberglass, or should I leave it like this? Seems way stronger this way.

Also looking for recommendations for clear coat/pinline protection. Will probably go pin stripe but honestly, my cuts aren’t terrible so I might run with this look.


For a first build, using a posca marker and taping off the area could be the easiest for making a pin line. For the plug, its more a cosmetic thing. if you put a traction pad on, you wont really be able to see it. If not, you could always sand it flat to your liking as not to go through to the glass on any areas outside of the plug. I find the best way to get extra strength from the plug is when fiberglassing to put extra cut pieces in the hole. I often glass 4 x 4oz on the deck, so I don’t put extra fiberglass patch on the outside however I know some guys that do for the guarantee. Nice first board! Get that thing in the water and surf it!


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Great advice. I appreciate it. Just grinded down the finboxes.