I have heard alot about the importance of repairing dings very soon after they occur. Does this simply mean not to keep surfing it if its not water tight? Or does it actually somehow matter if it sits dry for a while? I just moved into the dorms for college, and I am too busy right now to repair it, but I wont be in the water for a short period as well. Thanks for any help.
Alex - just keep it out of the water. Water is what will further damage your board, not the ding itself. By your post I’m assuming you’ve never fixed a board before, if it’s small and a simple ding, you might want to try one of the ding repair kits from your local shop OR spring for the $20 to have it repaired - of course being a student that might be a weeks worth of meals…
Dave, I have fixed dings before. I just didn’t bring my supplies to the dorm with me. I have always just done them right away before, but I will have to make time to have someone do this one for me. Thanks for the info though, thats what I was looking for.
If the foam is wet under the ding you have to let it sit to dry before you fix it and sometimes that can take quite awhile.
If the foam is wet under the ding you have to let it sit to dry before you > fix it and sometimes that can take quite awhile. Make sure you flush the salt out of the ding with fresh water,then dry it and repair. Salt water will dry out but there are still sodium crystals left as a residue. what happens is you fix the ding but the area gets hot(sun, sanding the ding)and the sodium crystals will melt and delam your repair. Always flush out salt water, best to do this right after you come in.Aloha, Kokua