Hi everyone
Just shaping a 5’10 retro fish.
I have a question regarding the rails bottom side.
I am kind of lost with the bottom rails, what I am supposed to do?
The rail line is 60/40 and rail will be rather boxy.
I shaped the deck side, everything is OK so far but for the bottom I don’t know. Well I know I have to shape a tucked under rail but I don’t know what angle I should use for the bevel.
I actually started with a 45 degree angle for the first bevel or was I supposed to have a 60 degree angle.
The fred tool is set up with a 60 degree angle?
I didn’t want to go right away for a 60 degree angle because I didn’t feel like lowering the apex.
I actually wanted to start with a 45 ° from nose to about 18" from the tail or maybe 12" and from there up to the tip of the tail I would have a razor sharp edge.
Then I would have a second bevel from nose up to the middle to flatten the edge of the bevel, the bevel would be a 60 or 70 degree angle.
From the middle up to 18" or 12" I would leave it like that, just smoothen out a little bit the the edge of that 45 degree bevel.
I have an issue picking the right rail for the tail starting at 18" from the tail, should I have a tucked under edge or rather start with a hard edge up to the tip.
I have read that leaving a hard edge would make the board kind of skittery and that a tucked under edge would help the rail suck into the wave and make the board more stable.
Last question : what are the steps to shape a beak?
I could be wrong so if you know the angles don’t hesitate to help me out. I would not want to mess it up .
Thanks for considering my request.