QUESTION: Who among you is left handed?

Fact:   All Polar Bears are left handed.     My cat is left handed.     I am left handed.    Who else?  

I am sir.

Very strange thing happended to me recently, was sitting around my condo community pool with several neighbors having some drinks and there were 5 of us sitting at the same table and all of us were left handed… .that has never happended before, ever, most likely never again… maybe… the likelihood of 5 people sitting at the same table and all lefties

Yes. Bill I am left handed but have always done some things right handed. I noticed in your avatar you are regular foot, which I am as well. Is this the norm or are most lefties goofy? An interesting fact is I would rather go backside as opposed to frontside. Would this be a normal left handed trait or just my personnel preference? 

Dave.           PS thank you for the history on the T.M. on the bolt

i am…ride goofy on all

I started life as a lefty.  Then in first grade the nuns made me switch.  They told my mother that it was a right hand world.  I now write right handed and throw left handed.  Forget about catching.

While working as a teacher in a vocational school I noticed that a good number of the faculty were left handed.  Could this have something to do with working with your hands?  Has there ever been a study on such matters?


I think most lefties (not all) are goofyfoot.      Some, like me, are regularfoot.       Butch VanArtsdalen was right handed, but was a goofyfoot surfer.    However most righties are regularfoot.     I shoot a rifle left handed, yet shoot a bow right handed.     I also did high jump (6 feet), in high school, from the right side.   It may have something to do with which eye is dominant.     

when me and my buddy were groms figuring things out I realized that it felt better to skate/surf goofy.

My buddy to me: “but you’re not left handed!?!?”



seriously tho, I wonder if the ratio of lefties to righties is the same as goofies to regulars.

I do many things “righty”

like play drums…drum set is set up right handed, high to lower tones running left to right; first time i saw Phil Collins (Genesis) playing drums lefty I had no idea you could even do that, high to lower tones from right to left

we live in a right handed world

and I surf regular footed



My younger brother was harrassed by nuns when he was in school for being left handed. They said it was a sign of the devil. Primitive mythology at work, scaring innocent kids.


One of my best friends during my teen years skated goofy but surfed regular. Odd.

The right side of the brain works the left side of the body and vise versa.  As stated before I do different things with different hands.  I’m sure I have a short circuit somewhere.  Damn nuns!

Interesting thread, I am a lefty, surf goofy, Play drums righty like Lankameese. Used to be able to skate switch a bit would never drop in regular on a wave! Ha ha.

All the way through high school and just after I was ambidextrious. I could do most everything either way, but I did things like write, eat, brush my teeth with the right more. I figured that it would be handy to be able to do things either way in case I hurt one arm and can’t use it. When I became a news cameraman about 1978 or so, I leaned heavily to the right because all the camera we had required shooting from the right. I could throw a ball and catch one with either side, hit from both sides too, and that helped when we played waterpolo.

Today I can’t do much from the left side like I could before, but I can still ride switchfoot.

Right handed.

Started out as a goofy-footed skateboarder.

Switched to regular at age 10.

Because all my friends skated regular.

Can switch-stance on my longboard.

But can’t jump up that way.

I switch after popping up.

I too probably have a short circuit in there.

Too many falls to the head skating.


Barry, like you I did a lot of switch stance on long boards.     Something I picked up surfing Windansea with Butch, who was a master at it.    Once I dropped down to a 7’ 10’’ Mini Board, as we called them then, that came to an end.     The lighter weight, and greater board sensitivity, made switching stance an unecessary exercise.   But it was a fun way to show off.   

Ambi-dextrious(sp)  Left for accuracy; Right for strength.  So my right middle finger is on the trigger and my left middle finger is on the depth adjustment.  But I can turn it around and go the other way if needed.

I can rub one out with my left or right hand.

Just thinking…I brush my teeth right handed, but wipe left handed.

I’m a lefty, but surf regular foot.  My kid just turned 2,  so naturally I’m eager to see what he’s going to be.  As for now he uses both hands about the same, but when I change his diaper, he grabs his wang with his left!!! I think that means he’s a southpaw like me.

Lefty. Regular foot. I do think “footedness” is related to dominant eye. My left eye is dominant and that’s the one that faces forward when surfing. My My friend gave me a giant pair of lefty fabric-cutting shears that I use for cutting fiberglass laps. Awesome friend.

Now you know why, in the Muslim world, the left hand is called ‘‘the unclean hand.’’