Quick dimension advice needed, thanks!

Hey guys,

I need some quick dimension help. I’m wanting to get a new board, similiar to a flyer in shape. I used to ride a Rusty Pirhana, but recently it buckled on me(6’2"). SO now i’m looking to go to a local shaper and get one made, so i’d appreciate some info on what dimensions to request (probably a 6’2"). I am still relatively new to surfing so I really don’t know what to look/ask for. My skills aren’t great, but I can consistantly catch waves and ride them out with a few easy turns. I am 5’9" 155lbs. I surf mostly at Venice, so waves are not too big.

I was thinking maybe around 6’2" x 19 x 2 3/8", but you guys would know much better than me.

I’m defintely open to other ideas as for the shape as well, just as long as it’s still a “shortboard.”

Any help is much appreciated,


hey 7ender,

the best thing you can do is take the buckled board to the shaper

and describe what you like and don’t like about it.

you will be way ahead on the development curve with your new shaper.

Good Luck


Damn, I would do that but unfortunately I don’t have the board anymore. hmm…any other suggestions? I’m not really sure what I do/don’t like about it to be honest, it was my first board and I got it really cheap so I didn’t care. I did like the volume it had though, but i’m looking to get more of a shortboard.

Thanks though.


I’m wanting to get a new board, similiar to a flyer in shape. I used to ride a Rusty Pirhana, but recently it buckled on me(6’2"). SO now i’m looking to go to a local shaper and get one made, so i’d appreciate some info on what dimensions to request (probably a 6’2"). I am 5’9" 155lbs. I surf mostly at Venice, so waves are not too big.

You pretty much summed up what you want. You should go with your feelings on this one I think. A flyer shape that is also 6’2", the same length as your buckled Rusty. What shapers in your area are you interested in? Going with a local shaper is a good call.

Thanks I guess I’ll just request something similar to a flyer then. My dad found a company called Phase One Surf. I’m thinking of getting a board from them. Anybody know anything about them? Haven’t really had a chance to research much. Thanks again!