Thanks for the contribution everyone, just like any opinion on the best board, there is many opinions on how to make them. I appreciate everything everyone has to offer and I’m making notes. I wish i had some pics but thats not possible right now.
I don’t have my offcuts anymore, since i moved my “workshop” from home to a worksite i am at. big pain in the rear but they will be kept for next time.
My main problem, i wasn’t sure how much the balsa would contour to the rails, so i shaped the board 100%, then used a rail banding tool marked at 2 cm, to cut off the rails. This i think could have been much less, since the balsa i know notice can conform quite a large degree. This also creates less work when building the rails.
My plan now, is to use epoxy and my vac bag again to pull the rails on, instead of a wack load of tape. That seems to be the best option i have left (without insane amounts of work)
looks like a started abit of a firestorm here, but thats what sways is about.
on another note, just wanted to plug the vents i got in. I think some people have used em here on sways, the Goretex ones from Casica Eng. They look SWEET. Can’t wait to put them in and forget about them. Dave