I am in the process of fixing an old Fins Unlimited Vari-set fin, and want to do a simple fill of a Hole that someone drilled for a leash- Im thinking one of the two part Quik Set epoxys available at the local hardware might do it, but Id like to tint the epoxy transparent red to match the fin- I have tried samples of a variety of Dyes with close but un-acceptable results- Any one have any solutions? Preferably something that is readily available- If your not familiar with the fin, Its one of those Transparent w.a.v.e. set sort of things- Might be made of lexan- Some one out there must have fiddled with one of these, by virtue of how tough they are to find (and how much they cost when you find them!)- Ideas?
the west system 5 minute epoxy is decent stuff
Can it be tinted?- with what? Where do I find it? ( I Live in The L.A. area) Thanks!
They have it at West Marine .Not sure about tinting ,but, you can pick up a west system booklet,free i believe.The companies are individual companies.
Five minute epoxy from Devcon, available at the Home Depot, Dixeline etc, maintains good clarity over time; I found West will turn slightly yellow. Resin tints will mix readily with it. Tints are available from Gerish products in L.A. (websearch). Better yet someplace like Foam E Z or Fiberglass Hawaii (another websearch) should have it in their online catalog.