R.I.P. Dave Sweet

Two of you mention Morey as being of a similar mindset to Sweet. Well, Morey was on the Sweet team at one time, and was featured in one of the aforementioned ads. Another guy who was tied to Sweet’s label was Denny Waller. Denny was involved in the rebirth of the label in the late 90s. I used to be in touch with Denny for a while but lost track. I guess he passed away a few years ago? Did any of you know Denny?

Things are a bit hectic around here right now. I will do some scans in a day or two and post them up.

Another mentioned the Robertson/Sweet label connected to Dave’s brother. Those were popouts.

That’s actually not bad proneman.

The board looks bad but is watertight and is pretty much all there…Gonna give it a go at Malibu one of these mornings. The overall shape looks right to me…I would say more advanced than most boards of this era.

Oh come on Sammy;  You’re such a hard case.  You gotta have a few issues of “Surf Guide” there. Which was the primary Mag Dave advertised in early on.  Then later “Surfer”.  I know buzz Sutfin(sp)Butch Linden and Dave Rochlen all rode his boards at one time or another.  I’m also thinking Bill Cleary( SG Editor) and "pork hop.

Pork Chop Baron.  Used to rip Rincon and the “Oil Piers”.

Cool !  My phone did’t bring up your post.  Yes.  I almost said that Tom was riding Dave Sweet boards, but didn’t want to say so without being sure.  Yes if you can post a few scans of the early adds that would be gracious and very cool!  Mahalo.  Lowel

As I wrote a couple of days ago:

“Things are a bit hectic around here right now. I will do some scans in a day or two and post them up.”

What I meant by that is…

I have been working seven days a week, and on some days 12 to 14 hours. I worked Saturday and Sunday of this (supposed) holiday weekend. Additionally, I am in the middle of moving and my main computer and scanner are packed up at the moment.


This pic came via Joe Tabler’s “Surf Blurb” email

This ad is from Surfer 9 #2.  The paipo is pretty interesting as well.


It turns out that my portable drive had a few scans on it.

Some of the Sweet team members were Denny Waller, J Riddle, Buzz Wizda, Butch Linden, Buzzy Sutphin, and Richard Roche.

Plus, these guys

Here are the scans I found