R.I.P. John Entwhistle

died today in las vegas. one of the greatest f**king bands of all time…

always loved to watch the WHO, the maniac keith moon, the most animated drummer ever…roger daltrey swinging the mike like a lasso, and townshend all tall geek with the schnoz and the helicopter/haymaker right arm guitar stroke. and then this guy off in the shadows, perfectly still, thumpin and pumpin some of the best bass lines ever. i love the bass in “can you see the real me?” man do i agree with you, bruce…maybe THE best>>> died today in las vegas. one of the greatest f**king bands of all time…

IMO the best bassist in rock…Many a time was spent with Who’s Next on full blast amping up to go out in 6-foot, onshore, rainy Steamer Lane at dawn… We won’t get fooled again, will we? Newbs

IMO the best bassist in rock…Many a time was spent with Who’s Next on > full blast amping up to go out in 6-foot, onshore, rainy Steamer Lane at > dawn… We won’t get fooled again, will we?>>> Newbs … …Ray my bro has hung out with John and the band.Ray says J.E. was a real down to earth guy…he will be missed here. …Ray was to visit/hang with The Who on his birthday here in So.Cal. while they were on tour,but as you might have guessed the tour was cancelled.Herb