rails on an 11'6"

what kind of rails would you suggest on an 11’6" skip frye style glider? hard in tail. thin and soft in nose…pinched in middle? would you suggest the bottom be pretty flat with maybe a slight vee in the tail?

I’ve had several Frye boards over the years including an older “G&S Hot Curl” and the two 10’+ “Eagle” models presently owned. I know he has a range of boards from the twin finned fish to ultra-glides and anything in between. A key element to consider is that he uses a proprietary rocker that is custom glued. I think it is safe to say that it is on the flat side. The tail rocker is 2 1/2" and the nose rocker is 4 1/2". That is measured with the board belly down on a flat surface. That, in my opinion, is FLAT for a 10’ 2" longboard. It is great for glide on a softer “reef-break” kind of wave but has given me fits in some thicker, wedgy conditions. The bottom contours on mine are pretty basic: 12" up from the tip of the tail is a 1/2" panel vee. The mid point has a Phil Edward’s like belly that measures about 1 1/4" from the stringer height to the rail apex (measured with a straight edge across the bottom.) 12" back from the tip of the nose is a belly of 7/8". Thickness is 3 1/4" mid, 1 3/4" tail and 1 5/8" nose. Your rail description sounds about right - my two boards aren’t exactly alike. The rail through the tail is an almost squarish hard down rail with an edge. This gives good compression and drive on bottom turns. If I were to build something like one of these, I would definitely consider adding a bit more rocker to the nose and tail. I think it would be more forgiving in hollower waves. Skip Frye can ride them just about anywhere but then again, he’s Skip Frye!