hey guys anybody else with the feedback about rails.
I use JC method,but I like to learned a difrent one.
hey guys anybody else with the feedback about rails.
I use JC method,but I like to learned a difrent one.
Hi rickland,
I asked a similar question about a month ago, as I had trouble planing the rails. Have you seen Jim Phillips in The Master Shaper? His whole approach to shaping is excellent but the rails are 50/50 longboard and not quite the same technique. However, there is a new shortboard shaping DVD in the pipeline with Jim Phillips - I’m looking forward to it. If you haven’t heard of them, go to The Damascus Productions website, I’m not sure of its address but Google will find it.
Seeing as you tried the JC way, the one question I’ve got for you is this. JC talks about making marks about and inch up from the bottom and planing to that mark, yet most shortboards with a medium rail would have their apex around the 5/8" mark. Did you use Dragon skin to then bring it down the extra 3/8" I did that, but might just try planing down further (though I find it hard to plane the rail bands) next time.
I’ve got two comments about rails after shaping my first board. I also used Shaping 101 as my main source of info.
I found that the fred tool with a new (but cheap) surform blade, tore the foam and didn’t leave a nice cut on the tucked under edge. I might try the sandpaper fred tool next time.
Without dragon skin (I only had sanding screen) it was necessary to put a 3rd rail band on after the two that JC shows. This 3rd band was basically a 45 degree bevel on the outside edge that brought the rail thickness down. Before doing this the rail was very boxy.
Kind Regards,