
the cat in the hat

who lay on the mat

said 'my rails are fat

so when I get shacked ,

they help me get spat’

…how good is that ?


Hi Dennis the colored temps are PU foam,… its hard to get,… off cuts from colored foam inlays blank companies use as stringers. Most people use the scraps for tail blocks so it is sought after.

I like the colors…easier to find in the fog of the bay,…

color code…red for longboard,… blue for short,… yellow for retro and classic…

Dennis….a little story I’m sure you and anyone else who has ever worked as a ghost could relate to,

a few years back now I was ghosting for a guy who still lives off his 15 minutes of fame from an early seventies movie.

I went to the trouble of making a full set of rail temps to do his work. Anyway when the gig was up, I was packing away my tools and this guy said “hey there mine” referring to the rail temps.

I explained to him that I spent my money on the materials, my time on making them and if he wanted to he could buy the from me, he grumbled that he shouldn’t have to pay me so I withdrew my offer and told him “my tools” were not for sale. Simple matter for me to wrap a piece of sandpaper around another rail a make something else out of them….

ghosts get paid by piece rate… no holiday pay… no medical insurance… often no workers comp…no garrentee of work… for some guys its all about me, me, me,…can they squeeze any more blood out of the stone…man its good not to be doing that anymore.

Craftee……… contour guage…$8 at HD…easy transfer to cardstock

Right on craftee,… card stock, like the black ones in my post above are great for traveling

“Tip”. On the reverse side usually white,…. write the board thickness, name of the surfer and his weight for future reference. And double as a neat little tail temp….see above

A little caution with the contour gauges is needed when using them to shape with, metal tools seem to have a way of blemishing the foam…

Very good to use to true up the final nose, mid, tail gauzing,

I suggest wrapping a piece of masking tape on the rail, helps in locating the same distance from nose and tail and protects the foam enough to squeeze the gauge into place…old sloppy gauges are the best to do this.

Balsa; the club?

Would that be the “stunned mullets” club?

  1. Bewildered surprised, astonished
  2. inert. Like a dead sailor.

Lavz check out the post " for Bill Barnfield : shaping longboard rail bands "…uncle Bill describes the correct technique to shape a board in my opinion. Start with the plan then the bottom, then the rail, the profile foil/thickness distribution will reflect the rocker all by itself…


place foil as desired,

edge as required.

for best results, surf daily…before and after shaping.

Yeah Nik, I know the story well. The very same thing has happened to me. Only I wouldn’t offer the pickin’ profiles for a price…I made them they are mine. Oh the stories that could be told.

I made a six profiles on one card, don’t know if you ever saw that one Nik. Sorry guys, don’t have a picture. Go to a craft store like Michael’s and look for the small polypropylene cutting mattes for quilting. They are easy to cut and shape. I’ve got 4 rail profiles for different thicknesses and a tail area profile and a nose profile area on the one card. Pretty handy.


BTW Nik, did you ever launch the 7’0?