Anyone care to list the boards they own. This may be close to impossible > for some. Those people may want to limit the list to boards they routinely > ride. 5.10" David Nuuhiwa Dyno twin fin fish with three glue up stringers, wider and flatter early 70’s. 5.10 1/2" Dyno Fish twin fin, narrower slightly more rocker thicker fins. 6.1 Herb Spitzer Quad “not twinzer” SuperSkate Fish 23 1/2 wide and super lite. 19 1/2" tail! 6.4" Herb Spitzer Twin Fin Fish, Heavy w/old fish fins by L.H.S. 8.5" Herb Spitzer Thick hard railed Longboard w/ thuster flexfin set up. Jay Novak 8.0 Modern Longboard from Imperial Beach custom shape unreal rocker never perils. 6.11" Herb Spitzer Thruster glassed by Tom Goffe double wing wide swallowtail with channels.Many call these modern fish now…shaped in the 80’s. 7.4" Jay Novak Gun 19 1/4" wide. 5.3 1/2" Rainbow Bridge Fish twin fin Shaped by Herb Spitzer 1980. 1962 Aqua Diver Log all original thick with large wooden fin all the way back in the tail. Shaped by Da Peach in Lomita owned by Jack Shick before donating to me has a 4" balsawood stringer…5.8" David Nuuhiwa Designs Twin Fin Fish …5.8" Rainbow Bridge wing double concave singlefin circa 1978 . Glassed by Tom Goffe Shaped by Herb Spitzer. 1976 Dyno wing pin single fin shaped by Rick Mchale. 1980 7.3" Rainbow Bridge Twin Fin round tail longboard shaped by Herb Spitzer…All boards are ridden one day the 1962 Aqua Diver which weighs appox. 60lbs. then the next day the David Nuuhiwa Fish and so on…I never stick to one board cuz it seems too boring for me I like the challange of riding a 5.10 fish then the no challange of the 8.5" longboard …It also helps with my paddling CUZ i WEIGH 190LB W/O THE WETSUIT!Aloha pray for surf this weekend cuz I’ll be in Catalina Island and my buddy Pat Russell knows some killer uncrowed spots to surf!