RE:check this out 'reading required'

Tracks is an australian magazine that is marketed towards a group of surfers who are becoming a dying breed these days. The HARDCORE SHORTBOARDER, who will surf a modern shortboard no matter what. They have no interest in funboards or longboards whatsoever, and nothing you or I say to them will change their mind. And that is their choice. Those who enjoy riding a variety of equipment sizes and shapes will know that it is their loss. As with anyone who enjoys riding a longboard, i really live for those days when there is no swell (apparently!!). Some of the best waves ive ever caught have been tiny knee high point waves, putting the board into trim and flying along effortlessly, just standing there while the board glides through section after section. I also love pulling into 6 foot tubes on a modern shorty just as much. Riding a board which would not have even paddled into a fat knee high point wave. Live and let live. Encouraging the staff at TRACKS and similar magazines to be more open minded towards other forms of surfcraft will encourage its readership to do the same, good in some ways but you can kiss those small uncrowded days that we enjoy so much good bye. That surfer who was always cursing and complaining about all the longboaders taking too many waves, will be the guy who’s snaking you for a tiny little 1 foot set wave cause now that everyone know how much fun it is, there are 15 guys out instead of just those in the know. and there are not enough waves to go around anymore.