Re: Copying

Don’t lie, you all were so’garage’at one time! You all took your first > templete’s off of a hot shape or ding repair you did! SK your nose is > growing, come on pal! Your talented but not teaching anybody nuthin’. You > think up those Nuuhiwa Fishes did ya? HaHaHaHa, not!!! How many > Rusty templates with those sidefin cutaways in the masonite did you start > out with? It’s all a lame game,and it’s all the same,trying to make a > name,well Rusty put you to shame! See ya, don’t wanna be ya! Takin names > homeboy! >>>>> Huh ,I stand behind what I said, and if you read what I wrote in detail you might be able to find someone to explain it to you.Most of us started in a backyard, garage, etc. It’s no big deal, and I have nothing against any one who wants to make surfboards. Lets see here, HUH Nuuhiwa fishes, (not my company), they are based upon the boards that were built under the Dyno logo, but if you actually saw one you would see they are not the same. As far as Rusty templates are concerned, after working there for over 5 years of course I am going to have some similarity’s. Again if you lookat what I shape you could see the difference’s. If this was all about whining then maybe I should be upset that R. still markets all the longboard designs I created for them (Ted Robinson Model, Utility, Electraglide, Mini Tanker, etc) but I don’t wake up every day complaining. As far as teaching you or anyone else to shape thats not the reason I make surfboards for a living. However I think If you were to speak with people in this trade and the the other shapers I work with, Bill Shrosbee, Brian Wynn, and Dan Mann you could see things a bit differently. However for whatever reason , some peole don’t get it and obviously YOU DON’T . Just one more observation, why is it that the people (HUH) that talk the most trash don’t use their real name’s? Have a nice day sk