Re: Hybird longboarding.

Hey whats up?

“Malmatting” I recomend it to everyone! one a crappy day or if your surfed out. get you and a buddy to paddle out, one on a mat and one on a mal with no leash and just have stacks of fun. style it up on the mal or cruise on the mat or do both and swap around! super fun! when theres days were you think ‘god why bother’ this can get you so stoked.

Highly reccomended.


PS… A while back there was a surfmat thread, I remeber being like ‘can u stand on one’ oooo man, ive changed, Mats rule! so fun…

Thankyou shoulderhopper. Will you return my sandals? I clearly saw that they were my sandals.

Thankyou shoulderhopper. Will you return my sandals? I clearly saw that they were my sandals.

Hah? say what?