Re: Polishing Gloss

Regarding the rail bead deal.I dunno about overlaps,when I tape off for the second side gloss (bottom) I apply the tape so that the two ridges meet.The bead is really small and clean except around the nose and tail where you will sometimes get little resin bumps.I have this file that is made for formica that shaves like a razor.I cut it down to 3 inches and epoxied it to a wood block.The “teeth” on this file or rasp are curved and it works well around the problem areas that may chip.You can get em from cabinet shop suppliers.If you happen to expose weave on the rails you can use a spray can of clear acrylic lacquer to fix it.It will take about three or four little coats to fill it in,finish up the patch by wetsanding and buffing by hand.Keep on shinin. R.B.

Sureluster…Just about all of the Surfboard suppliers have it.You can get one gallon containers.It goes a long way and a gallon will do twenty or more boards the way I use it.Check out the Resourcees section on Swaylocks under glass supplies.

man you guys that can take abead down with files or rasps are VERY TALENTED- i tried that once with no success. when the frillies started coming out of the file, i couldnt see where i was working anylonger- an orbital with 180 or 220 dry will remove the bead and help with NOT burning thru- and flattens the bead enough to require a wet sand with 400 and then buff.

thanks Herb, but I’ll find it. I’ve looked at all the local auto and boat supply shops and none of them know what I’m talking about. anyway, I still have about 5 different types of compounds to use up before I need it. I was just looking for a “for sure got it” source. thanks.

…I’ll e-mail you the address,and ph#.Herb

…You have to use a fine file that’s sharp! If it’s not sharp…well you found out.Angle is important as well.Herb