Herb,>>> For chrissakes give it a REST already. If you think you’re Brewer or > Merrick or somebody ask yourself if they would be posting these messages > on an internet board!!! Get a FRICKEN life buddy! There are > enough wanna be shaping guru’s out there!!! You copy stuff others > have already done and claim it!!! Well Herb, you must have rankled the feathers of one of those wanna be’s that just hasn’t. I get crap from only those are NOT in a position to judge, the experienced see through the crap and value talent. Does anyone think that Rusty, Merrick, Brewer, Linden, Takayama shape all of those boards that bear their signatures. It’s like the academy awards " I’d like to thank all the little people " that made this possible. There are the few that the media recognize and the supporting cast that are in the trenches doing the actual work. I had one whiner saying I was just another kook from the east coast that couldn’t make back there and was here to clog up the line up. It’s not where you are from, talent knows no limits, Einstein, a jew, from Germany, Mandela, a black, from south Africa and Ken Bradshaw, a haole, from Texas. Texans can’t ride big waves and me a buckeye from Ohio can’t possibly know how to shape a board. I liked the Dyno Nuuhiwa, they were always a favorite. Jim Phillips