Re: Squeeges for laminating

I got my hands on a 9" piece of that soft blue squeege.>>> Have you tried one?>>> What do you use?..Herb. Hi Herb, I never tried the blue squeege you are tlaking about. I use the one sold by the guys at Foam E-Z. I’ve bought the one yard one and cut two large 10" and cut in two the remaining piece using the larger ones for the whole board and the smaller for fins or repair. I also cut edges to lighten it and I make several holes with a drill in the center area to make my fingers get some grip even when the resin covers it all. One interesting tool to laminate I saw recently is making a squeege from the monofilm used to make winsurf sails. A friend who makes sailboards showed mw that and for him it has a superb sensibility. Consider this: he uses epoxy resins and glasses a giant freerace board with sanwich on both sides and 9 layers of various fibers all with 2,5 kg of resin! I’m looking forward to try this on my nekt board to see if it really could help make a lighter board with less waste!! I hope to hav been helpful. Happy New Year to Everybody