RE: Twinzer/Bonzer Info.

Was out of town last week and came upon the Bonzer/Twinzer? thread this weekend. Malcolm Campbell’s phone number: (805) 6436452. For e-mail and viewing: Alot of the site is under construction but if you click on “vehicles” there’s a lot of great old photos. At the most recent year, that’s Taylor Knox going straight up and Joel Tudor sweeping a smooth cutback on a little Bonzer disc. Both these guys are big fans of the five fin Bonzers. You would be very surprised how many big name surfers own/or covet Malcolm and Duncan’s boards. Malcolm just finished a 6’6" x 16" tow board for Noah Johnson. The board will have the regular 5-fin set up. Look for it on the outer reefs this winter. Noah is a believer. Also saw Ross Williams’ Backdoor Pipe 6’8". Ross knows the score. Will be posting some detailed pics of unorthodox and not so unorthodox Bonzers soon. Stay tuned, revolution will not be televised.