i read somewhere that red boards, because the color red repels water better than any other color, goes faster. anyone else hear something similar? dick
…And if you paint on flames, your board can fly.
…And if you paint on flames, your board can fly. And if you paint flames on one of my red fish, you’ll go so fast, that your face will turn inside-out!
And if you paint flames on one of my red fish, you’ll go so fast, that > your face will turn inside-out! I thought Black Rails are fastest. Live and learn.
And if you paint flames on one of my red fish, you’ll go so fast, that > your face will turn inside-out! Hhhmmmm and I thought it was the board.
Why are you guys negging this so quickly? I think this is a brilliant question. The world of physics is totally mysterious and unpredictable so one has to be open minded to such a suggestion. I liked this idea so much that I researched it a bit and I came up with the following VERY interesting stuff from a boating forum (some of the stuff is irrelevant. Link to the entire thread is at the bottom): “When a boat moves it pushes water out of the way. Because water is viscous it cannot be pushed out of the way instantly. Hence the water stacks up and forms a wave, just like dirt in front of a bulldozer blade. The energy used in creating a wave is mostly work against gravity - the lifting up of water. The faster a boat goes the more water it stacks up, until the weight of the water lifted is roughly equal to the displacement of the boat. In some boats this occurs at lower speeds (Pearson 30) and with other well designed boats it occurs at higher speeds(Coronado 27 when excellently skippered). To go at higher speeds the weight of the water lifted exceeds the weight of the boat. This lifted water puts a bouyant force on the boat and pushes it up on plane. There are subtle design influences that can increase the “theoretical” hull speed of the boat. All of these are incorporated into the Coronado 27. Firstly a close examination of the waves from the bow and stern of the swift Coronado 27 will show that they are in phase quadrature. This means that the energy in the hull wave remains in the vicinity of the hull, helping to propel it along rather than the energy travelling away from the hull. This is very important. Secondly, the choice of hull color is a big factor. The ocean, being a blue-green color has a natural repulsion to the color yellow. Yellow hulls eliminate the natural optical adhesion of ocean water. They are almost frictionless. White hulls, on the other hand, in their color are slowed by the interaction with the virtual photons emitted/absorbed by the water. A third factor is the hull shape. To create turbulence is to disappate energy and to move slowly. All the fast creatures of the sea - dolphins, whales, and even submarines have a shape in distinct proportion - the same proportions of the Coronado 27. Notice how silently the Coronado 27 slips through the water. In fact, the reason that there are so few Coronado 27’s to be bought is a matter of national security. The Dept. Of Defense did not want the hull design secrets of this unnaturally swift vessel to fall into hostile hands. So most of the existing Coronado 27s were destroyed in the interest of national security. The good Capt. Neal, a holder of top secret security clearance, is more than qualified to own a Coronado 27. His excellent and exceptional seamanship skills would guarantee that this craft would never fall into enemy hands. I think the good Capt. Neal was being very conservative and modest in his assessment of the hull speed of his boat. I’m certain that his innate compassion drove him to underestimate its performance so as not to offend owners of all other (slower) boats. Gilligan” http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&threadm=2a36cc02.b3c3b0b4%40usw-ex0107-049.remarq.com&rnum=1&prev=/groups%3Fhl%3Den%26q%3Dhull%2Bcolor%2Bspeed
Hhhmmmm and I thought it was the board. I’m sure that your not called the Flying Dutchman for nothing!! Greetz
Why are you guys negging this so quickly? I think this is a brilliant > question. The world of physics is totally mysterious and unpredictable so > one has to be open minded to such a suggestion. I liked this idea so much > that I researched it a bit and I came up with the following VERY > interesting stuff from a boating forum (some of the stuff is irrelevant. > Link to the entire thread is at the bottom):>>> “When a boat moves it pushes water out of the way. Because water is > viscous it cannot be pushed out of the way instantly. Hence the water > stacks up and forms a wave, just like dirt in front of a bulldozer blade. > The energy used in creating a wave is mostly work against gravity - the > lifting up of water. The faster a boat goes the more water it stacks up, > until the weight of the water lifted is roughly equal to the displacement > of the boat. In some boats this occurs at lower speeds (Pearson 30) and > with other well designed boats it occurs at higher speeds(Coronado 27 when > excellently skippered). To go at higher speeds the weight of the water > lifted exceeds the weight of the boat. This lifted water puts a bouyant > force on the boat and pushes it up on plane. There are subtle design > influences that can increase the “theoretical” hull speed of the > boat. All of these are incorporated into the Coronado 27. Firstly a close > examination of the waves from the bow and stern of the swift Coronado 27 > will show that they are in phase quadrature. This means that the energy in > the hull wave remains in the vicinity of the hull, helping to propel it > along rather than the energy travelling away from the hull. This is very > important. Secondly, the choice of hull color is a big factor. The ocean, > being a blue-green color has a natural repulsion to the color yellow. > Yellow hulls eliminate the natural optical adhesion of ocean water. They > are almost frictionless. White hulls, on the other hand, in their color > are slowed by the interaction with the virtual photons emitted/absorbed by > the water. A third factor is the hull shape. To create turbulence is to > disappate energy and to move slowly. All the fast creatures of the sea - > dolphins, whales, and even submarines have a shape in distinct proportion > - the same proportions of the Coronado 27. Notice how silently the > Coronado 27 slips through the water. In fact, the reason that there are so > few Coronado 27’s to be bought is a matter of national security. The Dept. > Of Defense did not want the hull design secrets of this unnaturally swift > vessel to fall into hostile hands. So most of the existing Coronado 27s > were destroyed in the interest of national security. The good Capt. Neal, > a holder of top secret security clearance, is more than qualified to own a > Coronado 27. His excellent and exceptional seamanship skills would > guarantee that this craft would never fall into enemy hands. I think the > good Capt. Neal was being very conservative and modest in his assessment > of the hull speed of his boat. I’m certain that his innate compassion > drove him to underestimate its performance so as not to offend owners of > all other (slower) boats.>>> Gilligan” Richard must be on to something he’s a very smart man figured out how the space shuttle blew up and is quite an artist go dick how’s the bongo playing !!!
Richard must be on to something he’s a very smart man figured out how the > space shuttle blew up and is quite an artist go dick how’s the bongo > playing !!! bongo playing, radio building lock picking womanizing all in a days work
Holy Cow!..from what Mike posted, are we to assume that a yellow board will actually go FASTER than a white one on a subatomic level?!..HEAVY! (My bad for the wisecrack…couldn’t resist. Most submissions are worth investigating). Just goes to show you that anything is possible. (I still think that flames make your board fly, though!).
I recently finished a board with black and red flames and black rails. Now I’m kinda scared to try it, don’t want my face to turn inside out while I’m flyin over some wave!!!
I recently finished a board with black and red flames and black rails. Now > I’m kinda scared to try it, don’t want my face to turn inside out while > I’m flyin over some wave!!! Look at it this way… You’ll be able to see where you were!