Regarding Swaylocks a great website

I love this website.It is the true soul of surfing.I think we should all give a great big thank you to Mike for hosting this thing.I mean it must take a lot of work to do this and I know it has got to cost bucks out of Mike’s pocket.Come on guys…lets start a well deserved thank you string.I will start it…thanks Mike…thanks Mike…Aloha.

I love this website.It is the true soul of surfing.I think we should all > give a great big thank you to Mike for hosting this thing.I mean it must > take a lot of work to do this and I know it has got to cost bucks out of > Mike’s pocket.Come on guys…lets start a well deserved thank you > string.I will start it…thanks Mike…thanks Mike…Aloha. Dittos. This site has quickly become my favorite.

Yup, Swaylock’s is da bomb! I’m sure it’s taking up a considerable amount of Mike’s time and money to maintain this site. If you can afford it, it would be nice to kick in a little monetary contribution to show your appreciation. It’s rarely mentioned, but there’s a link at the bottom of the page, “Keep Swaylock’s Alive!”. Rock on Swaylocks!

Yup, Swaylock’s is da bomb! I’m sure it’s taking up a considerable amount > of Mike’s time and money to maintain this site. If you can afford it, it > would be nice to kick in a little monetary contribution to show your > appreciation. It’s rarely mentioned, but there’s a link at the bottom of > the page, “Keep Swaylock’s Alive!”. Rock on Swaylocks! Plus all the free advertising.Plus all the archives.Plus all the free pictures of great looking home made boards.The crazy thing is that this site is still pretty much unknown,but seems to be growing day by day.Thanks again guys.

If it wasn’t for this site, and all the experienced helpfull people who take time out of thier day to help us rookies, I probably would’ve stopped making boards after the first one, thanks Mike and everyone who keeps this the best “do-it-yourselfer” surfboard site in the world aloha

If it wasn’t for this site, and all the experienced helpfull people who > take time out of thier day to help us rookies, I probably would’ve stopped > making boards after the first one, thanks Mike and everyone who keeps this > the best “do-it-yourselfer” surfboard site in the world aloha Plus guys like you that help people like me with computer viruses.Not relateed to surfboard stuff but a great gesture.Yep…true Aloha spirit.

I love this website.It is the true soul of surfing.I think we should all > give a great big thank you to Mike for hosting this thing.I mean it must > take a lot of work to do this and I know it has got to cost bucks out of > Mike’s pocket.Come on guys…lets start a well deserved thank you > string.I will start it…thanks Mike…thanks Mike…Aloha. … some more thanks your way Mike…a great concept and a great site.

couldn’t have done it without you. Mike and contributors…THANK YOU!

I love this website.It is the true soul of surfing.I think we should all > give a great big thank you to Mike for hosting this thing.I mean it must > take a lot of work to do this and I know it has got to cost bucks out of > Mike’s pocket.Come on guys…lets start a well deserved thank you > string.I will start it…thanks Mike…thanks Mike…Aloha. No doubt about it, Swaylocks is the Premier Forum for design discussion bar none! Where else in cyberspace could I even begin to have a halfway intelligent forum regarding Air Mats???..Certainly not Surfer or Surfings forums (where I was subsequently flamed horribly!!) I’d always likened Swaylock’s forum to one provided by The Surfer’s Journal(if they had!!!) So yes!!, a round of APPLAUSE for Mike!!!

Yep, Surfer’s Journal is a good analogy. Swaylock’s is top shelf quality, a daily dose of Swaylock’s is good for the soul of surfing. Keeps me motivated to get back out there and whittle away on the foam and fiberglass. This is a great online community with a lot of stoke, thanks to everyone of you who contribute here. (even some of the non-contributors are good for a dose of LOL sometimes too!). Tom S.>>> No doubt about it, Swaylocks is the Premier Forum for design discussion > bar none! Where else in cyberspace could I even begin to have a halfway > intelligent forum regarding Air Mats???..Certainly not Surfer or Surfings > forums (where I was subsequently flamed horribly!!) I’d always likened > Swaylock’s forum to one provided by The Surfer’s Journal(if they had!!!) > So yes!!, a round of APPLAUSE for Mike!!!

couldn’t have done it without you. Mike and contributors…THANK YOU! The responses on this string are amazing,it really makes a difference in our current “me and mine” world.It is kinda like a damn community…remember when Herb Spitzer said goodbye?Jeeze it was like a major deal,guys like him,Kokua,Tom Sterne,C.D.B., Jim Phillips,and all of the other guys make this site fun.We owe it all to Mike.

…Oh yeah Mike,I haven’t forgot about you ,let’s see somewhere between 60-75 bucks (a dollar goes to swaylocks for every set of Superchargers I sell)is what I got for you(that’s alot of grinding off my finger nails).PLUS,your framed set is just about complete(I just wanted to add the stickons as well). …I will send you a couple sets off the framed set to play with also. …GUYS AND GALS,THIS IS THE PLACE!!!Herb

Yep, Surfer’s Journal is a good analogy. Swaylock’s is top shelf quality, > a daily dose of Swaylock’s is good for the soul of surfing. Keeps me > motivated to get back out there and whittle away on the foam and > fiberglass. This is a great online community with a lot of stoke, thanks > to everyone of you who contribute here. (even some of the non-contributors > are good for a dose of LOL sometimes too!).>>> Tom S. Tom you got me thinking.I wonder if Steve Pezman at Surfers Journal is aware of this site.I tend to think that the story of Swaylocks would make an interesting theme for an article.Do any of you guys out there have any ideas on this?Thanks again Mike.

I love this website.It is the true soul of surfing.I think we should all > give a great big thank you to Mike for hosting this thing.I mean it must > take a lot of work to do this and I know it has got to cost bucks out of > Mike’s pocket.Come on guys…lets start a well deserved thank you > string.I will start it…thanks Mike…thanks Mike…Aloha. Mike, You have started something that is bigger than the sum of its parts. Rarely do you see a site where people congregate that is almost free of contempt (nothing is perfect). I mean look at how much knowlegde and information is passed on thru this site. We are a special community, and owe it all to one man, dude A THOUSAND MAHALOS… FD

Mike,>>> You have started something that is bigger than the sum of its parts. > Rarely do you see a site where people congregate that is almost free of > contempt (nothing is perfect). I mean look at how much knowlegde and > information is passed on thru this site. We are a special community, and > owe it all to one man, dude A THOUSAND MAHALOS…>>> FD …Yes thank you Swaylock’s,and all you guy’s out there.There are no kid’s out there who want to learn the art.So im passing on some stuff to old kid’s who want to learn the art.Bring it on before i forget.J.A.

I love this website.It is the true soul of surfing.I think we should all > give a great big thank you to Mike for hosting this thing.I mean it must > take a lot of work to do this and I know it has got to cost bucks out of > Mike’s pocket.Come on guys…lets start a well deserved thank you > string.I will start it…thanks Mike…thanks Mike…Aloha. Thanks Mike. Thanks all who participate. You have enriched the surf experience for me. Thank You.

Thanks Mike. Thanks all who participate. You have enriched the surf > experience for me. Thank You. I could not agree more. I always look forward to seeing what has turned up on Swaylocks. This is a great site, mahalo to Mike especially and to all the contributors who make it what it is. Generous souls, all, and a sense of community to boot… Perhaps there should be an annual on-line surf auction to offset Mike’s costs? I’d be willing to donate to keep this site running. How about it? Got a spare board, a classic template, set of fins, an extra tool, supplies to auction off? Heck if Mike didn’t want all the money it could go to Surfrider or some other charity… Just a thought guys.

who’d have thunk it?? around 250 boards submitted, the possibility of getting an on-the-fly answer to a problem - day or night, and an archive full of gold that can be mined at anytime - by anyone… and then there’s us - a community of enthusiasts whose days dont feel complete without at least one visit! this what you had in mind, Mike? THANK YOU!

one of 3-4 sites i check every day if i can(at least once). even as bbs type boards go, this one is state of the art. all i want now is streaming video from herb and jim phillips shaping bay, maybe activated anytime the lights go on…

Folks, All I can say is thank YOU. I swear I was almost brought to tears by some of that sentiment. Yes, Swaylock’s is a labor of love – I love surfing and I love surfboards. But after nearly 20 thousand posts, I realize it’s the personalities that make this place so goddamn interesting. You are a generous, creative bunch and I hope this family just keeps growing. Thank you so much. Keep on surfing! Mike