is there a video rental store in santa cruz that carries surf movies? $30/movie kind of hurts so i’d like to find a way to pre-screen before i buy.
is there a video rental store in santa cruz that carries surf movies? $30/movie kind of hurts so i’d like to find a way to pre-screen before i buy.
I know of people who have went the netflix route. Never done it myself don’t know if they ship to Canada, but the folks I’ve talked to get all kinds of surf movies through them.
must have posted at the same time but I hadn’t heard of coreflix that looks relly sweet. wish I could get that north of the boarder.
East Cliff Video on the corner of 17th and East Cliff Drive (across from the Aloha Grill).
Similarly, there is which I think is owned by Jack Smith (bahne skateboards) in morro bay, ca. He also has for dvd/video sales.
Are you looking for longboard flicks or short board filcks?
mostly longboarding.
thanks all for you replies.
PM me. I’m in Santa Cruz, also and have a few I will let you look at.